Covenant Ministries Council

The Covenant Ministries Council (CMC) is the governing board of the Church.  Meetings are held (generally) on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Classroom (basement, second door on the right past the kitchen) and are open to anyone who would like to attend.  If you have questions, suggestions, or if you would like to submit a report prior to the meeting, please contact Bernard McGinnis.  There is a list of the members of the CMC on our website at this link.


2017 Meeting Schedule

January 9 (Cancelled)
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 11
November 13
December 11


Helpful List of Deadlines
  • Newsletters – Each month by the 26th - The whole church would love to hear from each of your ministries and The Voice and The Echo are great ways to get that information to people.  However, in order for those to be what they need to be, we need information about your groups by the 26th of EACH MONTH at the very latest.
  • The Echo - Please have information to Kim Matthews by the 13th of each month.  If the information has already been included in The Voice, and it pertains to the second half of the month, it will automatically be included in The Echo (as an echo, get it?).
  • Worship Folders – Wednesday, noon each week - Please submit information to Tobyn for the Bulletin or the Whisper - any changes, events, or exciting things happening in your ministry - by Wednesday at noon.
  • Screen Announcements – Friday, 9am each week - One of the blessings of technology is things can be added later and later.  One of those things is our announcements for the screens that are projected before and after the services.  Let Tobyn know if something needs to be added to the screen announcements by Fridays @ 9am each week.
Officer Descriptions

Check out this page on the United Methodist Discipleship website that provides officer descriptions and resources.