Adult Ministries

Young At Heart

Young At Heart is a ministry of Christian fellowship with older adults. Visit the Young At Heart page on our site.

United Methodist Men
We have an active and growing group of United Methodist Men who provide a variety of ministries within the church and in the community. Come to the group's monthly breakfast meetings (3rd Saturday of every month at 8:00 a.m.) for food, fellowship, and to share in ministry. 

United Methodist Women
The purpose of UMW shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. The cross and flame are ancient symbols of the Methodist church and remind us of the opportunities and obligations of discipleship. It is a part of our heritage and challenge in UMW. The Lydia Circle meets in members' homes the first Tuesday of each month September through June at 7:00 pm. We invite our sisters to pick a time and place that suits your schedule and come join us. We can guarantee a welcome!! Check the church calendar for upcoming meetings of the UMW.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry at JMUMC has been quite active. The purpose of the Prayer Shawl group is to knit or crochet prayer shawls while praying for the person who will receive it. Our group has been supplying the Hospice House of Huntington with shawls for the patients there. They have been well received and give great comfort. We have also been making shawls for our shut-ins, college students, military personnel, and others in need in our congregation. Our motto is "Making a difference, stitch by stitch." If you are interested in joining us, call Jean, Melanie or the church office.

More Adult Ministry Opportunities
Devotional Ministry
Worship Services
Sunday School Classes for all ages
Music Ministry